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Cancer-Kicking! PowWow
Cancer-Kicking! PowWow
Dr. Kristi Funk

Conversations with Dr. Kristi Funk

Episode 4: Dr. Neal Barnard Puts Your Body In Balance

Meet Dr. Neal Barnard – a health warrior and pioneer – who never stops working for the people (you, included) by performing research, exposing falsehoods and bringing transparency to the fields of medicine and nutrition. So, take that, Cancer! Skip to Episode

Who’s our Guest

You find a lottery ticket that ends up winning $10 million. What would you do?
N: I would greatly increase our research staff to look into how healthful diets can reduce cancer risk, improve children’s health, and tackle other vexing health problems. We have a great team now, but I would grow it in a heartbeat.  

Car or Dog?
N: Rat. My “roommate” early in medical school was rescued from a laboratory, and she was the dearest—and may I say, most hygienic—companion one could hope for.  

What do you miss most about being a Kid?
N: Believing that the good guys always win. In our battles with the food industry, for example, I have found you have to fight hard to triumph.

Do You Believe Things Happen For A Reason?
N: Yes. But the reason is usually that we push like hell to make them happen. 🙂

If you were given a 1-Minute Ad Slot during the Super Bowl that you couldn’t sell, What would you Fill it With?
N: A commercial about the real cause of erectile dysfunction. Hint – it’s not performance anxiety.

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